Fiasco. Vino Toscano Monte Bernardi | Litre
Fiasco Vino Toscano is an affectionate, amusing nod in the direction of those straw-covered flasks which became such popular table lamps in the 1970s! The wine is a blend of organic Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Malvasia Nera and Colorino from Tuscany; Montepulciano from Le Marche and Frappato, Nerello Mascalese and Nero d’Avola from Sicily. A real mish-mash but it’s really gluggable, organic and great value!
Fiasco Vino Toscano is an affectionate, amusing nod in the direction of those straw-covered flasks which became such popular table lamps in the 1970s! The wine is a blend of organic Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Malvasia Nera and Colorino from Tuscany; Montepulciano from Le Marche and Frappato, Nerello Mascalese and Nero d’Avola from Sicily. A real mish-mash but it’s really gluggable, organic and great value!
Fiasco Vino Toscano is an affectionate, amusing nod in the direction of those straw-covered flasks which became such popular table lamps in the 1970s! The wine is a blend of organic Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Malvasia Nera and Colorino from Tuscany; Montepulciano from Le Marche and Frappato, Nerello Mascalese and Nero d’Avola from Sicily. A real mish-mash but it’s really gluggable, organic and great value!